bright light and loud sounds

How bright light and loud sounds can affect your brain

What is a brain

This is an Organ of soft Nemours tissue contains an skull vertebrates.

It only means no person or a animal will live or survive without a Brain no doctor, specialist will ever help a person who is suffering with a brain, because no medicine to help to keep your Brain functioning.
The Light and Loud sounds can damage your Brain in a way that you might live your life like a mad person , once you started having some problems with your Brain and go to the clinic and the Doctor recovers that you are facing a Brain problem know that you are in a critical situation.

How these two affect your Brain?
The more time you spent listening loud music, to you it’s something that you find yourself enjoying not knowing that it is killing and bear in mind your body can’t function without your Brain.
The more you watch movies on your phone or you are always using your phone and mostly with a bright light on it , that will definitely affect your Brain then your doctor will keep on telling you that you are having an Eye problem , giving all the Eye tests but the really thing they can’t see it , it takes time to show.

You may suffer theses

Migraine Headache

This is the most dangerous headache you may find once you find out that you are suffering with it bear in mind that it is there to stay no matter how strong you are.[life partner]


You will have a loss memory because of your Brain doesn’t function the way it usually function .

What to avoid or not to do?
Stop stressing
Stop overthinking
Enough rest
Stay positive /think positive
Once you cannot control these will Depression and it is one of the illnesses that can kill you , by me saying that I am trying to save you from dying or finding yourself mad bear in mind mind it has started there [bright light and loud sounds];

I know some of our jobs are forcing us to work using SCREENS and that has tend to be our life time jobs but it will affect us when time goes on.

What are Brain cells

They are called a tissue of a Brain or it is a tissue of a Brain

Medication of Migraine and Amnesia

Migraine Headache

I honestly don’t think this has a medication but one thing I know is that the doctor or your specialist will give your only pills to calm it down because this headache come and go, once it started your won’t be able to do anything this headache will strike your you Eyes and you wont be able to open then until it is calm, no sound I mean you will need to be alone in a dark and quiet space and i have find myself and been in different hospitals and clinics if you can’t take care of it, it will kill you.


These two almost the same only been given some pills to calm or call up your memory , psychology classes to try and help your Brain .

The are challenges you and your family might be facing though that process after finding out about your sickness.
you will be that person who we as a family need to make sure you are always been checked out now and then , checking your condition and what you need and the doctors appointments need to be attended,

they should continue to what the doctors told you in order for you to be better and this situation it is bad for kids because they can’t control of what they should do mostly if they are not around but as for Headache trying
to escape from loud sounds and brightness we can but for Amnesia its kind of hard because you need to be taking care always and trying to be reminded to pull up your memory.

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