how death has affected people

What is Death

Death is one of the painful things that a person will have to experience , will all going to die it’s nature but the only difference is how are we going die and for a person who has died it is painful because some of them went to ICU and comeback but we can’t take their pain and make ours but we can’t ,and those will feel their life ending and it’s so painful to find yourself until you die and that is pain is gone but you left us with many questions we can’t answer and we can’t control death when it arrives it has arrived .

Types of Pain

Acute pain
Chronic pain

Acute pain is severe and lasts a relatively short time. It is usually a signal that body tissue is being injured in some way , and the pain generally disappears when the injury is heals.

Chronic pain may range from mind to severe , and is present to some degree for long periods of time. Medicating pain before it becomes too severe is advised, if a pain medication is not given for a long period of time, it may not be as helpful.

How to try and deal with Death
Accept the reality of death
Work through the pain of grief
To emotionally relocate the deceases and try to move on with your life.
To adjust to an environment in which the deceased is missing.

When you have loss the one you loved it will always be painful some other people they are left depressed as I’ve said but it’s now to you on how to grief and we people are not doing the same things when we are grieving for our loved one.

Symptoms that suggest depression , not just grief
Seeing or hearing things that are not there.
Feelings of hopelessness or worthlessness.
Slow speech and body movements
Thoughts of suicide or a preoccupation with dying.
Inability to function at work , home or school.

When to seek help for grief when you:
Having difficulties trusting others since your loss.
Blame yourself for the loss or for failing to prevent it.
Feel like life is not worth living
Wish that you have died with your loved one.

The Mourning process


When grief does not go away
It is normal to feel sad , numb, or angry following a loss. But as the time passes , these emotions should become less intense as you accept the loss and start to move forward .If you are not feeling better over time , or your grief is getting worse ,It may be a sign that your grief has develop into more serious problem, such as complicated grief or major depression.

Complicated grief

The sadness of losing someone you love never goes away completely , but it should not remain the center stage. If the pain of the loss is so constant and severe that it keeps you from resuming your life , you may be suffering from a condition known as complicated grief.

Complicated grief is if one is stuck in an intense state mourning .You may have trouble accepting the death long after it has occurred or be so preoccupied with the person who died that it disrupts your daily routine and undermines your other relationships.

Symptoms of complicated grief includes;

Denial of the death
Feeling like life is empty or meaningless.
Avoiding that reminds you the loved one.
Extreme anger or bitterness over the loss.
Imagining that the loved one is still alive.
Searching that person in familiar places.

How to help a grieving person;

Look after your physical health

Face your feelings
Express your feelings in a tangible or creative away
Plan ahead for grief
Do not let anyone to tell you how to feel and do not tell yourself how to feel either

Physical symptoms

We usually think of grief as a strictly emotional process , but it involves physical problems
Over sensitivity to noise
Weight loss or weight gain
Aches and pain
Lowered immunity
-Tightness around the throat and chest

‘It always take time when you have loss the one you love but I would advice you to talk about how you really feel’.

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