
Health living has to do.

we all have our differences when it comes to what to do with body and what we love and enjoy eating, but these three will try to give us more and more what we need to eat and do

Those three are always going hand-in-hand.

Life Style 100%

You definitely has to make sure that sometimes when you need to have a nice way of living make sure that you first adjust or change everything when it come to you and the way you are living your own life.

Bear in mind no-one is to tell you on how to live you own way ,but the are ways that each and every person need to choose from sometimes you don’t choose but life chooses for you still in that case it’s going to be difficult if you don’t have to choose, but things chooses
for you because you will tend to to do things that you actually didn’t want to do.

There are those who are able to choose their way of survive because of they can afford their lives, you sometimes need to choose wisely if you are to choose your
the way to keep up your daily life sometimes let it not be about you but also for other people who love you , did you know that that you need to choose what is suiting and might not be the best for other
people it can affect people around you sometimes Emotionally ,let for instead you have chosen a life of drinking every time to feel like to because you can afford everything .

One day something will happen to you wherever you might be while having drinks with you friends always i mean something Bad happens to you ,that will definitely affect your parents and also your siblings and you being not okay will really kill you and as I’ve said no-one is to choose nice or good life for you, and still you won’t be seeing anything wrong on that hence I said choose wisely not for you but also for other people who loves and care for you.

There are those who are able to choose their own way of surviving because of they can afford their lives, you sometimes need to choose wisely if you are to choose sometimes let it not be about you but also for other people who love you

did you know that the life style that is suiting might not be the best for other
people it can affect people around you sometimes Emotionally ,let for instead you have chosen a life of drinking every time to feel like to because you can afford everything .

One day something will happen to you wherever you might be while having drinks with you friends always i mean something Bad happens to you ,that will definitely affect your parents and also your siblings and you being not okay will really kill you and as I’ve said no-one is to choose nice or good life for you, and still you won’t be seeing anything wrong on that hence i said choose wisely not for you but also for other people who loves and care for you.

Balance Style

Let’s more talk about what you need to eat and what not to eat , you as a person you definitely need to choose what you want and what you need to eat because not everything we are eating is healthy and good for our health and helpful to our body e, g the shape of your body and your immune system.

I am saying what you are eating should be different from what others are eating bear in mind we got the same body as in everything but the way our bodies react and functioning are not the same ,we may be advising you on what you need eat but if those doesn’t help you or treat you right, it’s okay maybe your body is struggling there there to adapt some kind of changes like your new meals .

You will be going searching for everything you might eat or might be good or health for you but you will still be struggling a lot because your body is not adapting fast .

You need to have good food with all kind of Nutrition’s in order for you to have a healthy body ,people will still be telling you to go for Fruits and veggies and that I also would advice to try them , those are really helpful to your body you can go wherever you want in the world people will still tell you that fruit and veggies are the best to be eaten .

Let’s for instead you are rushing to work , school or work but grabbing a fruit will do to boost your energy , it will definitely make huge different to you because of the Vitamins it contains as for Veggies some you need to boil them and some you need to cook them in order for them to be ready and I’m 100% sure they contain good Proteins e, g Potato and Beetroot, but one thing I would tell you is that I wouldn’t give more advices on eat fast and quick food because most of them don’t give us more of the nutrition’s we are in a need of.


The most thing that you need to is to keep your body fit for anything that it make come across to like diseases , you can sometimes have to go for a long walk or wake up and go a jog it will really help you not only for body shape but also for your health.

Whenever you are just a form a group of people you can trust that you can go a journey with meaning have your own activities that you can do everyday and by doing that won’t coat you anything but your spare of your time to keep yourself and others fit and healthy , just try and find a little space you can use to have your own exercises to do with them that won’t cost you anything.

You can just find a soccer or any sport ground where you can do some running on it but do whatever you thing will be suitable for you, do some push ups for not more than 30 minutes still as long as you are ok with that you can do.

You will start seeing a different from your body and that will definitely help your mind and body to act together in order to achieve one goal because once between these started to not cooperate you will have a problem anyway how ,i will keep on saying this over and over until people got my point you don’t need to go for Gym companies for you to be fit and health ,

but for you to have all those muscles you need a Gym company definitely but if you are in a need of a healthy body go and jog every time you got a chance.

‘choose a healthy life style and eat healthy , find a way to keep yourself fit.

By Amanda

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