men and women

What is a need

We all know that a need is something that we cannot live without , that is so clear and I can’t say more or argue about that because it is fact that we all know, but why do I have to put a Woman as something we might as men need.

As we all know where a woman is coming from through the Bible but I won’t be going deep on it but all men needs a woman in their lives and I don’t wanna lie we can argue about this as man but no-one will win that argument.

Why do you think man needs a woman

Let me tell you something it is not easy to control a man if the is no woman around ,but the are those who are doing things to entertain the crowd, and ask many of the guys who has made in life that having a good partner feels like, they will tell you man lack direction without a partner and still that is something that other guys will refused to accept and I’m not talking about me personally but I’ve seen it and experience it by my side .

Woman are so so different so it’s up to you to make a right decision about what kind of a woman you and what type of a woman you want to spend your life with , I know some come and go depending how they are treated , but the nicest part about this as man you need to choose wisely when it comes to who you want to share your life with.

I know that the is this say that people are using A MAN IS A PILLAR OF THE HOUSE that is so so true but still you need a good partner to handle that pillar you are, man are weak we think fast and act but woman can sit with something in their minds and take their time to act or to do it as for results they always making quality things.

for all of us as men we got our differences and also the way we prefer doing our own things , just imagine having that supportive partner of yours who is willing to help you in financial and she doesn’t complain bear in mind my brother you have made a right choice continuing loving that partner of yours.

What do men needs the most


Good behavior



Men are not the same because they choose whom to respect this goes also to women if they don’t want to respect you they, but every man deserve from a woman and it doesn’t how rich you are but respect your partner .

Good behavior

No-one wants to build a future with someone who doesn’t have manner or a person who speak what she feels like it’s right not caring how are other people will find and it’s rare to a woman settling down with that kind of attitude , some we all need to chose the person to live our lives with.


As for everyone we may pretend or lie to ourselves but we all need to be loved and willing to share love , when love has find you , you will end up forget what has happen to you , so let’s continue giving love and the right person will come .

What do woman needs most





It doesn’t matter where you around the globe trust me you every woman I mean every one of them really needs a men’s attention so if you are willing to settle down you need to know that they are attention seekers those ones but some guys find them annoying not to understand the way a woman should be treated

And I’m not taking anyone’s but we need to states some facts the way they are , so as a us men we have to tolerate that hence I said if you wanna settle down you need to know what you are up to.


Please don’t get me wrong ,not all of needs love or to be loved some of them will want to have fun with you and live and you need to make sure that you don’t get yourself in a situation that you end up hating love because of one woman , so I will say this again again and again not all of them need love, and the are those who will love you as a guy and you’ll even ask yourself why you,

As a men always be prepared for every challenges if you want a woman choose wisely my brother, forget about what has happen to you in past we need those people in our lives to complete us as man.


It is something that we cannot run away from those ones loves money and some of them would rather choose money over love so don’t be confused by their words if you have money because once that money gone they don’t even argue with you but they will just leave you.

By me telling you that I’m trying to tell you to not buy love from a woman with money let them love you not knowing how much you have in your bank, and that will help you to know who is there to stay or to chew your money and go so it’s up to you to decide about what you want.

By Amanda

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