married woman praying

What is a prayer and what does is do to you

We all know prayers are always lifting our spirit as it is one of the ways to call or to connect ourselves to our God and that is also one of the ways but sometimes to singing also can also lift your spirit to your him, and we all got our ways of praying some are kneeling down your eyes closed , while some are just just standing , and any of theses are not wrong.

Sometimes we all differs on how we connect with our God and none of all the types is wrong it only has to do with individual , I would advise people to connect the way I’m connecting with my God because we are different in many ways and how we all express our feelings in everything we are doing, people asking to do what and not to do what may not be the same as the way you want to do that.

Types of ways to connect your God





Hence I said we all have different ways of praying we are not doing it the same way ,I personal think that any way that will help you to connect with God is the best as long as it is working for you continue using and people would ask you to pray by the way they are praying but , that is working for them and is it going to work for you I doubt.

And the is no types of ways of prayers let them not confuse you , the way you are praying the best way and God is listening to each and every prayer you are praying.

man praying


We all got the nice different voice given by God , the comes that times that our spirits are lifted and we tend to sing , some they don’t know that also praising is the most way to connect with God and as for me it is working or because I just love to sing , whatever song you create in mind that time wherever you are , you don’t need to go to church in order for you to connect ,you can do that by listening to music and let it flow sing along also.

Most of people do use praising as their way to find their spirits lifted nothing is better than to do what you think is good for you , hence I said I for one I think praising is helping me, you will feel sometimes that you are really seeing God and feel like crying like that way you really got nothing to loose but to tell him you problems and how much you are thankful for the life he has given you.


All the ways of connecting with God are mostly the same for instead worshiping and praising closely to be the same things , its all has to do with one thing , lets call him ,lets connect him, lets feel his presence inside of us, singing while praising that you feel all his power within you , like everything you wish for that time you feel like you are having it , no one is looking at who there but everything working wonders.

The things is some other people don’t believe in praising and worshiping as they prefer prayer not knowing that these are going hand in hand to connect our God , I know that prayer differs according to all the religions but as long as we have a way to connect with our Gods that is okay by me.

Religious Beliefs

We all know that we are all different as much as we don’t believe in one God because our cultural don’t allow us to do that India and Jewish don’t believe in one God , I know for a fact that Indians believe in Allah and Jewish also their own ways of dealing their own things differently , so no matter where you are you always have to find your own way of dealing with your staff as much as people may not approve it because of our differences. keep on praying or connecting with your God it doesn’t matter where you are because no place is much better when you feel like connecting.

By Amanda

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