girls behavior

What is girls behavior in generally

Those young people who fall pregnant at the early age younger than 20 years , we are also considering it as bad attitude to them it’s like a fashion to have a child before you even complete school, and the parents has tried so many times to prevent that for happening,

but our young girls are too controlling whatever you are saying it doesn’t matter or making any sense when they want to do something that they want to do. And they always leave their babies with their parents to raise while they are there regretting themselves for their mistakes.

What are other causes of girls behavior

Sexual active
Social media
Peer pressure

Sexual active

Too many young people are experimenting with sex , some say they have casual sex to be socially accepted by their peers, our girls ,our sisters, our niece they are so so sexual active the only things they prior in nowadays it’s boys and their Phones and the same boys are just impregnating them and leave them ,

and that has been an issue to our environment and no councilor and some of them always leave parents to let them go and and stay with their boyfriends because no parent wants to be controlled by a child, in those days everything was respected no matter what but now things has tend to be in all fashion .and whatever the see or heard of they prefer to do it practically

Social media

We all know how much media is playing a huge role to our lives and the are all kind of platform there waiting for us to attend them, were the is no restriction on about what you can posts and say , show to the public , worse part the way things has tend people and young people are mostly posting all kinds of the attracting picture and videos either half naked or doing nasty things and everyone is seeing that and the are guys there who are waiting to take an advantage of young girls who are advertising themselves. So some of young girls meet guys there and some always left them pregnant and vanish.

Peer pressure

Sometimes the friends you are associating may have a good and bad influence to you and life , some may ask you to do some things you don’t wish to do but you will do them because you want to be a part or accepted by them , and also by teaching you on how you do things can also be an effect to you, because you not doing them for the love but your forcing yourself to be part of something.

If your friends are having a tenancy of dating the old man and you are there to be part of the group you will also date those old man, friends with an ability of changing you from being good to an uncontrolled child you need to leave them before you find yourself being killed or raped, and all these things that when they are together doing has never bought good results it’s either fail at school , some get missing , rape and killed


You sometimes ask yourself why some other teens are behaving in manner that is not good to everyone , I want you know something the is no stubborn kid that grows in a rich family but those who are growing in a disadvantage families are always willing to do anything to keep themselves away from poverty

, some will even date those rich old man to try and bring bread to the table.

I have never blame a girl who struggles to keep their families happy no matter they are doing , and bear in mind no-one is perfect but people will pretend to be perfect , but always remember where you came from , from any decision you are making about your life and the life you are living now is not permanent but try by all means to move improve yourself to a better person.

Make your life than the way it way , finish your school and you can do what you want to do with no-one complaining about your behavior through everything, be an example of good things for everyone

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