how woman struggles through pregnancy

What are those struggles of woman through pregnancy

Here I am going to talk more about the main struggles of a woman and how the woman should take care of the pregnancy so that they cannot experience death.

Still born baby


Every woman struggle a lot when it comes to Abortion process , were Abortion is a choice some woman go through it because they are having problems financially status some by problems were they are facing in their relationships , by my knowledge the are so many process of applying abortion some they use a specific Pill were they will buy to any doctor they know its either its by law to drink those kind of Pills or not some they don’t even think about the outcomes of that Pill they’ve used to do an abortion

I would prefer when a person is willing to do an abortion go for professional doctors in which you will have every detailed about were you went to your abortion and I am not saying because it’s legal to do it you can also do it No but you need to take a wise and good decision about it and no-one is perfect , what I’m saying is this GO FOR PROFFESSIONAL DOCTORS by that you will get everything done in a safe way of doing it.

This Abortion is also a term usually used by doctors for both spontaneous [it’s a miscarriage in lay human’s language]and induced [ done intentional by medication or physical equipment ]we usually think the word Abortion only means that the person took the unborn child and we would say it’s an miscarriage when the pregnancy terminated on it’s own, the gestational age is very important ,it depends mainly on the hospital or the service provider.


This usually called a early pregnancy loss, it is were the baby dies in a womb [uterus] before 20 weeks of pregnancy and for woman who knows that they are pregnant ,about 10 – 15 in 100 pregnancies [10 -15 percent]and in miscarriage most miscarriages happens in the first trimester before the 12 week of pregnancy.

Miscarriage in the second trimester [between 13 to 19 weeks]happens in 1 – 5 in 100 [1 – 5 percent]pregnancies , as many as half of all pregnancies may end in miscarriage we don’t know the exact number because a miscarriage may happen before a women who miscarry go on to have a healthy pregnancy later.

Here are some of the things you need to keep in mind once you had experience a miscarriage:

Your loss matters
Your loss was never your fault
You are worthily of love
The is no timeline for grief
Your feelings and emotions are valid
You can not control how you feel, so allow your feeling to arise
You aren’t your emotion
It’s okay to grieve loss that you were not planning
You make sense
Your body is your friend not your enemy
Grief looks different for each person


To give a birth to a healthy baby it’s a blessing to some woman , they guide their pregnancy from day one and also guide their diet and eat healthy ,they attend hospital or clinics or some even go to special doctors to be guided properly on your child during pregnancy , these are woman who reaches nine months without any complications , not to say they did not have difficulties during that nine months but they able to attend the situation urgently when they felt like they not feeling good , these are the woman who took care of their pregnancies e, g eat healthy , and other excises

Still born baby

This goes back at miscarriage , but this one is different because a woman while give birth at a child whom his/her heart beat is not pumping and can not breath , it’s a very painful and a critical condition that a baby is facing .

Sill born will be normal throughout the nine months , when a woman finds out that she was caring a still born child it sometimes breaks a woman after the process, and some become depressed or obsesses, they will therefore need a professional help, sometimes its not your fault as woman but something went wrong in the womb , and finding yourself that you need to accepted that you’ve been caring a baby that has already died ,it’s so painful but you need to accept try to move on and to put you blame on you.

By Watson

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