
What is a relationship

Most of people do whatever it takes to make sure that they make a use of making things work in any way how and will put their afford of on fixing things no matter they are seems not to be fixed, there are types of relationships and all of them demand their on attention, each and everyone has a connection with with something or person so we tend to build a relationships with those and it doesn’t matter what kind .

Types of relationships



Siblings and Parents


You and your pet

I need to try and explain all these types of relationships and I know that they are not enough but I just chose these types but every relationship is important always know that .


This is a relationship where some people are failing to keep or make sure that everything is going well and you will find that in most cases these two are struggling financially so no wonder things are going slow for them,

for me this the best relationship that a person should be giving an attention and time for , you will meet a person who you’ll share you life and happiness with and have dreams to achieve together that you are no longer working for only dreams but also for your partners dreams.

You will cherish all the best times together like no body’s business and that time you feel like you are conquering all only by having that person in your life.


Every relationship mostly friendship people would say it’s not guaranteed and I really have to argue about that because the are a lot of us who have been in relationships since we were young so it will only collapse if you dnt contact each other but honestly everything is guaranteed if you give it time and try and cherish it no matter the distance between you and them , but the connection will always play a good part , and no real friends will abandon you if you are in a need of help, be a good friend to build a forever connection with them and see if you are in a need who wouldn’t want to help you.

Siblings and Parents

I would to take my experience and use it here , we are 6 siblings and our parents are still alive and the love we have for each other is so huge even though we are not staying together but far from each other but the connection is all there , so a child build a strong bound while you still have a chance because we only live once , no parent will ever hate a son neither a daughter no matter how disrespectful you are and is always so nice to have a relationship between a mother and a child and no one will ever break it .

Most of us always do things to impress our friends and people out there forgetting were we coming from , so the best thing that you need is to build a strong and bold bound with those people who you are really sure that they will never leave you dying out there alone.


You are new in the company and you don’t know anyone there and people will be like who is this and will try to make sure that they are welcoming you in their own way , and I’m sure they are those who won’t like you when you arrived there , because of their agendas , and find some of us who will welcome you with their warm hands and not to benefit anything from you but to keep you safe.

It is always rare to find everyone likes you when they first meet you ,but when times goes you will find yourself having some good time with you colleagues and build a good friendship with them and it doesn’t matter how it started but the way you’ll treat it will matter .

You and your pet

We as people we are different and the way other people love animals is so so different and the love we would share with our pets is so different and we don’t have to love the same pets some of us are dog lovers and some people love cats and it doesn’t have to be an issue that we love different animals , it is only about the love you and your pet are sharing that nice bound people will never take away.

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