life after regrets

What is meant by a life regrets?

Life regrets that’s what most of people has been doing knowing that they are not doing a right things and most of people has been there done that and some have learnt more of what they should have done or shouldn’t , these are most terrible lesson that we people tend to learn from , a regret will never be a positive thing that a person has done.

You will sometimes hear people telling others about their bad experience when it comes to love , saying that they really regret meeting some other people and it might be a lesson to people but some others needs us to take decision about , and we can’t understand of these until we find ourselves having those bad experiences that we really didn’t want to find ourselves experiencing , so those regrets are always bad experiences we are coming across to.

Life lessons

We all live our lives knowing that not all of our decisions are correct or not but I can tell you once your guts tells you not to do something always know that you might be doing something which is totally not right but at the same time we always figure things late , and in life there are those decisions that you don’t need to rush when taking them ,I can tell you more of falling in love ,I know how other people feel trigger by the name Love and this name comes with everything on it.

I think it’s rare to find 99% of people who doesn’t have their life lessons , I can tell you this to take a wise decision doesn’t go wise with wise people only , even those who think they are wise enough has find them having regrets it’s either about their lives or in their workplace, life may teach us more of what we should do or what we shouldn’t do and those may comes with the right and wrong decisions about what may be our life lesson.

I can ensure you even our parents do have their regrets in their lives and it doesn’t go on what you have or what you don’t , billionaires has their life regrets, we may not know each and every person live and where these people has been in their lives , but we learn from making mistake in order for us to know were to go with our lives and move the right path to never find ourselves in any of the mistakes , let’s learn to take time before we decides either permanent or temporally decision needs that time.

Life opportunities

In most cases what we need to decide might change our lives and some people may not notice that as we always make decisions fast and I can ensure that when it comes to money we always make things fast as we all believe that can change a person to a better human being , you can just imagine been given a chance in your life were you’ll be earning three time what you are earning not knowing that after that contract you might remain jobless, leaving your current job will be the most regret of your life.

People who doesn’t want good things though fancy life and good partner by your side we all want those but all of these has to come with a with good decision making , you don’t need to think only for now , think deep of what might happen in future it’s either your love life or your financially , so bear in mind life comes with those little chances that we need to take either we are deciding right or wrong but we need to make sure we are coming up with something.

I can tell you this most of us had chances to change our live but because we need knew how to make those valid decisions to keep ourselves happy and alive , let’s all be honest about something if and opportunity comes your way the is no way we would just skip knowing very well that it might be harmful in future but what we are deciding that moment goes , money and love has made us so weak , the way things has turn we care more what we are having in our lives more than us personally.

Love and money

We all have challenges when it come to those two and they tend to rule our lives , I mean if you don’t struggle with money along the way you find yourself failing to love or to be loved , these two will always have something to do with either stopping a movement of lives or we will tend to do whatever we feel like doing because them , it’s always hard to find love as long is something some failing to live without but money is temporarily but can make things permanent for us.

It doesn’t matter who you are if you have a Heart to love you’ll love and if you have challenges and dreams money will take more of your attention hence I said these two brought us pain and happiness at some point and most of us we have regrets about these two , what life can change it will definitely has to do with love or money , meaning it’s rare to find people changing just because they want to but it’s either they are struggling with these or they have find one of these either way.

We might seem so tough when we’ve been played for love but the is no pain like that one trust me , if you are rich money can’t do nothing , some goes if you have find love and you don’t have money you’ll see the struggles that you will face as if someone forces you to fall in love , these two has brought people together at the same time , they have separated people from other people.


In life we live with regrets thinking one we can turn back the hands of time , let me tell you something what you did or failed to do in your past let it remain in your past and try and focus on what you can do to rectify from those mistakes and move on with your life , try and forgive yourself for letting opportunities sleeps away from you and you are not the only one.

By Watson

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